Project: Red Bull Turn It Up
Production Partners: Somewherelse, Studio AM
Event Concept: Red Bull Turn It Up is an interactive, crowd-judged DJ competition that uses themes to inspire track selection. DJ teams go head-to-head in three (3) battles to win over the crowd with the most entertaining and creative mixes in the moment.
Project Team - Red Bull:
Culture Marketing Manager: Jared Murray
Culture Marketing Producer, Red Bull: Andrea Delgado
Head of Content: Andrew Millard
Media Network Team: Ryan Brown, Kali Hopkins-Allen, Brandi Awad, Ashkan Rahimi
Field Marketing: Conor Gallant
Curators: Josephine Cruz and Anil Mohabir
Crews: Spin the Block (2023 winners), We Deh' Ya, Traxx & Feels and Release (in order of photo selection below)
Project Team - Somewherelse:
Project Lead & Talent Hospitality: Simone Osondu
Director of Production: Guillaume Lemieux
Production Manager: Daric Harrison
Photographer: Jenna Hum