Project: Gutter Labs Experiential Execution at NFT.NYC Week
Producers: BMF Media Group
Event Concept: All of a sudden, New York City looks a bit different, you've entered Gutter City. The Gutter City species come to life before your eyes, and you experience what Rats, Cats, Dogs and Pigeons do best - get up to no good. Get a 360 degree experience that brings out your inner bad-ass.
Project Team:
SVP: Craig MacIntyre
Account Manager: Ann Ogunsulire
Co-Producer: Andrea Delgado
Co-Producer: Tai Notar
Creative Director: Melissa Notaro
Experiential Designer: Andrew Martin Scott
Graphic Designer: Gerardo Mendez
Photographer: Billy Pangar
Sponsors: Puma, Sandbox, Blockbar, Happy Hour and Jarrito's